Tag Archive for: entrepreneurship

First entrepreneurs graduate

The First Cohort of the Entrepreneurship Program for Migrants Graduate!

Over the past six weeks, 20 migrants that live in Maryland have had the opportunity to participate in the first cohort of an entrepreneurship program implemented by SAMU First Response in partnership with the organization Second Chance called Emprende- RV Migrantes. This program combined in person and virtual reality activities that were used as a learning resource to develop business ideas of migrants that have recently arrived to the United States looking for a better life.

During each class, the cohort would use the time to learn valuable lessons about developing a business and the necessary steps to do so in the United States. Each participant had the opportunity to use a virtual reality program that helped develop necessary skills and provided real life simulations of business development. The classes also provided an opportunity for each participant to discuss and present to the cohort their business ideas that they hoped to implement.

This program was a key resource that aided in their journey to economic independence. The key purpose of this program was to develop economic empowerment, social integration, skill development, and barrier reduction. With this program, the hope is that these participants will be able to take the skills that they learned in these classes and use them to implement their own business to support the life that they hope to create in a new country. This is one of the many programs that SAMU First Response is working on to help incoming migrants create a sustainable and economically independent life in the United States. We are grateful to Second Chance, YMCA, Catholic Charities, and Humanitarian Action for their support in the program. We look forward to continuing this program to help many more entrepreneurs.


Inscripciones abiertas para el programa EMPRENDE RV-MIGRANTES en Maryland

Migrantes de diferentes partes del mundo que viven en Maryland tendrán la posibilidad de formarse en emprendimiento y concretar su plan de negocias gracias al programa “Emprende RV-Migrantes” que implementa SAMU First Response de la mano con la ONG Second Chance.

El programa comienza el sábado 13 de julio y consiste en 32 horas de formación académica en donde se utilizará la realidad virtual como recursos de aprendizaje, de manera de sumergir a los participantes en un mundo nuevo e innovador de conocimientos acercándolos
a la tecnología, que les permitirá poner su idea de negocio en marcha.

El programa “Emprende RV-Migrantes” consiste en:

  • Actividades presenciales y virtuales.
  • 32 horas académicas de duración.
  • Jornadas los sábados y algunos domingos.
  • Realidad virtual como recurso de aprendizaje.
  • Capital semilla para iniciar tu negocio.

Las inscripciones están abiertas y los interesados pueden registrarse en
https://www.secondchancelatam.org/emprendimientomaryland/. El programa tiene una duración de 32 horas académicas e incluye actividades presenciales y virtuales. Es dictado los sábados y domingos.

Calendario de actividades:

  • 13 y 14 de Julio: Bootcamp: De la idea a la acción.
  • 20 de Julio: ¿Cómo conseguir financiamiento?
  • 04 de Agosto: ¡Manos a la obra! Últimos detalles de tu plan de negocios.
  • 11 de Agosto: Práctica tu discurso de venta.
  • 12 de Agosto: Rueda de negocios.

Para mayor información, contactar con nosotros.