Tag Archive for: migrants

First entrepreneurs graduate

The First Cohort of the Entrepreneurship Program for Migrants Graduate!

Over the past six weeks, 20 migrants that live in Maryland have had the opportunity to participate in the first cohort of an entrepreneurship program implemented by SAMU First Response in partnership with the organization Second Chance called Emprende- RV Migrantes. This program combined in person and virtual reality activities that were used as a learning resource to develop business ideas of migrants that have recently arrived to the United States looking for a better life.

During each class, the cohort would use the time to learn valuable lessons about developing a business and the necessary steps to do so in the United States. Each participant had the opportunity to use a virtual reality program that helped develop necessary skills and provided real life simulations of business development. The classes also provided an opportunity for each participant to discuss and present to the cohort their business ideas that they hoped to implement.

This program was a key resource that aided in their journey to economic independence. The key purpose of this program was to develop economic empowerment, social integration, skill development, and barrier reduction. With this program, the hope is that these participants will be able to take the skills that they learned in these classes and use them to implement their own business to support the life that they hope to create in a new country. This is one of the many programs that SAMU First Response is working on to help incoming migrants create a sustainable and economically independent life in the United States. We are grateful to Second Chance, YMCA, Catholic Charities, and Humanitarian Action for their support in the program. We look forward to continuing this program to help many more entrepreneurs.


SAMU First Response Receives the Global Democracy Award at the Napolitan Victory Awards 2024

Washington, DC – [July 25, 2024] The Washington Academy of Political Arts & Sciences® is proud to announce that SAMU First Response has been awarded the Global Democracy Award at the Napolitan Victory Awards 2024 for its outstanding work in receiving migrants and asylum seekers in the Washington D.C., Maryland, and Virginia areas during 2023.

SAMU First Response is a humanitarian organization based in Washington D.C. that, from June 2022 to April 2024, received 14,462 migrants from the southern border of the United States.

Andrea Gallegos, Managing Director of SAMU First Response, stated, “We are proud to have impacted the lives of thousands of migrants fleeing their home countries in search of a life with opportunities, safety, and freedom. This award is the result of our team’s
efforts last year; of working 24/7, days and nights, during vacations, holidays, in freezing temperatures, and without rest, receiving thousands of migrants outside Union Station and the Naval Observatory.”

During 2023, the NGO SAMU First Response led the reception of thousands of migrants who were sent from Texas and Arizona. “All were guaranteed dignified first response care: hot food, personal hygiene kits, a fresh set of clothing, and several nights’ stay in one of our shelters, so they could rest and, for those who wished, support to continue their journey to their final destination,” added Montilla.

The Napolitan Victory Awards, recognized as the most prestigious awards in political communication, celebrates excellence in various categories, including political campaigns, innovative projects, and outstanding leaders in the political and social spheres. Participation in these awards represents an important distinction and a validation of the impact and relevance of the work carried out around the world.

Throughout their history, the Napolitan Victory Awards have attracted the attention of campaigns such as those of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Nayib Bukele, Alberto Fernández, Luis Abinader, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and Pedro Sánchez. Additionally, they have recognized political luminaries such as Epsy Campbell Barr, former Vice President of Costa Rica, Martha Lucía Ramírez, former Vice President of Colombia, and José Mujica, former President of Uruguay, for their significant contributions. Prominent political consultants such as the late Ralph Murphine and Michel Bongrand, as well as José Luis Sanchis, a Spanish consultant, and Dick Morris, an American consultant, have also been applauded for their innovative efforts.

The award ceremony for the Napolitan Victory Awards 2024 will take place from August 22 to 24 at the Yotel Hotel on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, where all winners in all categories will be celebrated. Additional details about the event and the complete list of nominees can be found at Napolitans.org.

About the Napolitan Victory Awards

Recognized by dozens of international media outlets as the Oscars of Politics, the Napolitans are known as the most prestigious awards in the world of political consulting. The Napolitan Victory Awards celebrate excellence, creativity, and outstanding achievements in political communication. Organized by The Washington Academy of Political Arts & Sciences® (WAPAS), the awards bring together leaders, consultants, and professionals from the global political landscape to recognize and honor the best in the industry.


“Caminando Juntos” evento comunitario para apoyar a migrantes en Maryland

Con el objetivo de ofrecer un espacio informativo y de apoyo a los migrantes que residen y participan activamente en la comunidad del estado de Maryland, SAMU First Response organiza el evento “Caminando Juntos”, en el que los migrantes pueden conectarse con otras organizaciones y así facilitar su proceso de inserción en Estados Unidos.

El evento será el próximo sábado 29 de junio de 2024 en las instalaciones del Metro Points Hotel ubicado en 8500 Annapolis Road, New Carrollton, MD 20784, desde las 9:00 am hasta las 2:00 pm. Andrea Gallegos, managing director de SAMU First Response, aseguró que “durante este evento, los asistentes tendrán la oportunidad de participar en sesiones informativas sobre apoyo emocional, asistencia legal, conocer testimonios exitosos de migrantes que llegaron a Estados Unidos y hoy están insertados totalmente en la comunidad. Además de conocer sobre sus derechos en Estados Unidos, entre otros servicios”.

A su juicio, el objetivo del evento “Caminando juntos” es crear un puente entre los migrantes y las organizaciones que pueden apoyarlos en su proceso de adaptación e integración. “Sabemos que la información es poder, y queremos asegurarnos de que todos los migrantes en Maryland tengan acceso a los recursos necesarios para construir una vida plena y productiva en este país”, agregó Montilla.

El evento contará con la participación de múltiples organizaciones locales y estatales, incluyendo agencias gubernamentales, ONG, y grupos comunitarios, que estarán presentes para ofrecer información y asistencia directa. Además, se proporcionarán servicios de traducción para garantizar que todos los asistentes puedan aprovechar al máximo las oportunidades disponibles.

La inscripción para “Caminando Juntos” es gratuita y puede realizarse a través de Caminando Juntos: Evento de alcance comunitario para migrantes (office.com) Se recomienda a los interesados registrarse con anticipación para asegurar su lugar en el evento.

Para más información sobre “Caminando Juntos” y para registrarse comuníquese con nosotros.

SAMU First Response responds to the call for help at the border

Arizona is one of the border states where migrants cross every day to enter the United States. Casa Alitas – a part of Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona – is the principal nonprofit organization receiving migrants in the Tucson sector along the border and has been aiding those who are crossing the border since June 2014. Casa Alitas is a local humanitarian aid project committed to helping legally processed asylum seekers by offering hospitality, housing, food, clothing, toiletries, advocacy, and travel assistance. They receive between 400-1,800 individuals per day who have fled their home countries to escape violence and persecution. As of 2024 Casa Alitas has served over 400,000 individuals seeking a better life.

Casa Alitas reached out to SAMU First Response leadership in March with a request for immediate support in first response care to migrants crossing the southern border and we were able to answer their call by sending five of our dedicated first response employees to help in Tucson and Nogales, Arizona. Our emergency deployment team arrived on April 28, 2024.

“We are seeing a lot of people that need help and searching for a better life. Since we arrived this week, we have attended to 500 to 600 people per day. The work that they do here is incredible in making sure the intake is process is fluid and efficient “, said Derick Alegria who is on the ground in Tuscon, AZ and part of the Intake and Emergency Deployment Team. “We are seeing a great need in supplies such as beddings, cots, and hygiene kits. The amount of people arriving each day is so much that it is hard for Casa Alitas to keep up with the demand and they need support.”

This week, our team’s work has been crucial in the intake process of aiding in the coordination of intake services, logistical support, and procurement of necessary items. Our team will provide assembled hygiene kits to Casa Alitas to aid in the intake procedures and distributing donations, ensuring that migrants receive the assistance they need at the beginning of their challenging journey in a dignified and respectful manner. Our team is also delivering psychological care through specialized workshops for minors and ensuring access to life’s basic necessities while equipping them with the necessary documentation and information about their next steps.

Our team will continue to support Casa Alitas and evaluate the need for a second deployment based on the ongoing assessments of the current migrant situation in Arizona. This deployment of our team is focused on sustaining support and adjusting resources as needed to ensure effective long-term assistance for migrants. As always, our mission at SAMU First Response is to save lives and we will continue to collaborate and support those whose mission is the same.

About Catholic Community Services:

Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona has been dedicated to Providing Help, Creating Hope, and Serving All since 1933. As a diverse family of clients, staff, volunteers, and donors, CCS is committed to touching lives daily, guided by love, hope, and compassion. With a wide range of services, from the Community Outreach Program for the Deaf to the Pio Decimo Center for young children, Casa Alitas for migrants and refugees, a new Medical Respite Center for men and women experiencing homelessness, and services in Yuma, Sierra Vista, and beyond, CCS provide access to basic needs and ensure vulnerable communities’ safety, stability, and lifelong health.

About SAMU First Response:

Is a passionate humanitarian aid organization based in Washington, D.C.. Our mission as a 501(c)(3) non-profit is to serve vulnerable populations during national and international crises. Since June of 2022, SAMU has provided reception and respite services to more than 12,600 migrants in our nation’s capital, while our Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) teams deployed to Turkey and Morocco, as medical teams provided critical support to refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine.

SAMU First Response and Washington English Center join forces to support non fluent english speakers migrants

“Without language, one cannot talk to people and understand them; one cannot share their hopes and aspirations, grasp their history, appreciate their poetry, or savor their songs” – Nelson Mandela

At SAMU First Response, one of our greatest assets is communication and the ability to speak to our guests in their native language. Language is the roadmap of a culture, and without it, it is impossible to fully understand the individual and where they come from. We are fortunate to say that the majority of our 70+ staff members in the Washington, DC and Maryland area are linguistically diverse and able to communicate directly with the vast majority of our guests.

We strive for excellence in our staff and our services and are constantly looking for ways to improve our knowledge and skills, including our forms of communication. The majority of our staff members’ first language is Spanish, which is an immense asset when working with the community of migrants that are traveling from Central and South America. As our organization has grown in the metro area and we are working on educating the community of the services that we provide, we have constantly sought opportunities for our staff to bolster their English language skills. This will help with educating our community about who we are and what we provide, as well as providing us with the skills to better serve our guests and help them connect with the resources available in the community.

At the end of 2023, we were very fortunate to receive several scholarships from the local English Language School, Washington English Center (WEC). Since 1993, more than 30 years, Washington English Center has welcomed immigrants and refugees to the United States as they learn to read, write, listen to, and speak English with greater fluency and confidence. Their mission is to provide affordable English-language instruction and workforce programs to adult immigrants using community volunteers.

WEC graciously offered SAMU multiple scholarships so that our employee’s, whose second language is English, can have the opportunity to speak with greater fluency and confidence, which leads to being able to provide better services and opportunities for those migrants that we serve.  We are proud to partner with an organization whose mission is to help the lives of immigrants and refugees who come to the United States to seek a better life and are actively providing them with the tools and resources to create the life they are looking for.

Currently, fourteen of our staff members have accepted the challenge to better their English communication skills through the group classes and individual tutoring offered by WEC. These staff members will be able to take the lessons that they learn in the classrooms and apply them directly to helping the individuals that walk through our doors by being able to confidently advocate for their needs through phone calls to local shelters, bridge programs, local schools for the children, report important data and information to local authorities and general guidance in the United States for those migrants that stay with us in our respite centers.

The organization is powered by community volunteers, so the English language teachers are flexible to work with our staff members to create a learning environment conducive to the demanding schedule that exists with working in first response.  Our staff members have been able to attend classes during work hours in a quiet corner of the respite centers or in the comfort of their own homes. The supporters of WEC come from all walks of life, just like the supporters of SAMU First Response, and are children of immigrants and refugees, and companies owned and run by immigrants. The DC Mayor’s Office on Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs (MOAPIA) is a large supporter of WEC and Ben de Guzman, Director of MOAPIA, believes that “the work that WEC does in terms of providing its students with the language skills for a fair shot at upward mobility is so important.” We make it a goal to partner with organizations whose mission and goals are similar in creating better lives for all immigrants to receive a fair shot at a life in the United States.

We are forever grateful for the support that we receive from the community in the Washington, D.C. area and the alliance that we have formed with Washington English Center, whose mission has been alive for more than 30 years helping immigrants and refugees arriving to the D.C area.  We always say that the community support is what makes our organization strong and able to continue with the mission of helping migrants who arrive in need of a place to rest and start their new lives in the United States.

We at SAMU First Response are forever thankful to the entire staff and volunteers at Washington English Center. Thank you for the knowledge, skills, and confidence you have provided our staff members and the continued work that you do helping immigrants and refugees arriving in the Washington, D.C. area.