SAMU First Response Receives the Global Democracy Award at the Napolitan Victory Awards 2024

Washington, DC – [July 25, 2024] The Washington Academy of Political Arts & Sciences® is proud to announce that SAMU First Response has been awarded the Global Democracy Award at the Napolitan Victory Awards 2024 for its outstanding work in receiving migrants and asylum seekers in the Washington D.C., Maryland, and Virginia areas during 2023.

SAMU First Response is a humanitarian organization based in Washington D.C. that, from June 2022 to April 2024, received 14,462 migrants from the southern border of the United States.

Andrea Gallegos, Managing Director of SAMU First Response, stated, “We are proud to have impacted the lives of thousands of migrants fleeing their home countries in search of a life with opportunities, safety, and freedom. This award is the result of our team’s
efforts last year; of working 24/7, days and nights, during vacations, holidays, in freezing temperatures, and without rest, receiving thousands of migrants outside Union Station and the Naval Observatory.”

During 2023, the NGO SAMU First Response led the reception of thousands of migrants who were sent from Texas and Arizona. “All were guaranteed dignified first response care: hot food, personal hygiene kits, a fresh set of clothing, and several nights’ stay in one of our shelters, so they could rest and, for those who wished, support to continue their journey to their final destination,” added Montilla.

The Napolitan Victory Awards, recognized as the most prestigious awards in political communication, celebrates excellence in various categories, including political campaigns, innovative projects, and outstanding leaders in the political and social spheres. Participation in these awards represents an important distinction and a validation of the impact and relevance of the work carried out around the world.

Throughout their history, the Napolitan Victory Awards have attracted the attention of campaigns such as those of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Nayib Bukele, Alberto Fernández, Luis Abinader, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and Pedro Sánchez. Additionally, they have recognized political luminaries such as Epsy Campbell Barr, former Vice President of Costa Rica, Martha Lucía Ramírez, former Vice President of Colombia, and José Mujica, former President of Uruguay, for their significant contributions. Prominent political consultants such as the late Ralph Murphine and Michel Bongrand, as well as José Luis Sanchis, a Spanish consultant, and Dick Morris, an American consultant, have also been applauded for their innovative efforts.

The award ceremony for the Napolitan Victory Awards 2024 will take place from August 22 to 24 at the Yotel Hotel on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, where all winners in all categories will be celebrated. Additional details about the event and the complete list of nominees can be found at

About the Napolitan Victory Awards

Recognized by dozens of international media outlets as the Oscars of Politics, the Napolitans are known as the most prestigious awards in the world of political consulting. The Napolitan Victory Awards celebrate excellence, creativity, and outstanding achievements in political communication. Organized by The Washington Academy of Political Arts & Sciences® (WAPAS), the awards bring together leaders, consultants, and professionals from the global political landscape to recognize and honor the best in the industry.


SAMU First Response Conducts Flood Simulation Drill to Enhance Emergency Preparedness

Prince William, VA – On July 22, 2024, SAMU First Response conducted a comprehensive simulation drill with the Relief and Support team, simulating the response to a severe flooding incident. The exercise replicated a scenario where Belmont Bay experienced severe flooding as a result of a flash flood in the Occoquan River, which would displace between 300 and 500 men, women, and children.

This drill was an integral part of the training process for SAMU First Response staff. The primary objectives were to assess the team’s capabilities, measure response times, and ensure preparedness for real-life emergencies. The simulation involved providing immediate humanitarian assistance, setting up temporary shelters, and coordinating the logistics for the registration process of those effected.

Rolando Delgado, Relief and Support Manager at SAMU First Response, emphasized the importance of such exercises, “Today’s drill was crucial for testing our team’s readiness and efficiency in handling large-scale emergencies. By simulating real-life scenarios, we can identify strengths and areas for improvement, ensuring that our response to actual disasters is swift and effective.”

The simulation included a range of services such as intake, logistics, distribution of essential supplies like food and basic needs, and providing psychological care for minors. This activity was also made possible thanks to our partner Project B-Green, who are committed to assisting in emergencies and natural disasters affecting vulnerable populations.

SAMU First Response remains committed to delivering comprehensive and compassionate support during emergencies. The team continually strives to enhance its preparedness and response capabilities to better serve those in need during times of crisis.


Inscripciones abiertas para el programa EMPRENDE RV-MIGRANTES en Maryland

Migrantes de diferentes partes del mundo que viven en Maryland tendrán la posibilidad de formarse en emprendimiento y concretar su plan de negocias gracias al programa “Emprende RV-Migrantes” que implementa SAMU First Response de la mano con la ONG Second Chance.

El programa comienza el sábado 13 de julio y consiste en 32 horas de formación académica en donde se utilizará la realidad virtual como recursos de aprendizaje, de manera de sumergir a los participantes en un mundo nuevo e innovador de conocimientos acercándolos
a la tecnología, que les permitirá poner su idea de negocio en marcha.

El programa “Emprende RV-Migrantes” consiste en:

  • Actividades presenciales y virtuales.
  • 32 horas académicas de duración.
  • Jornadas los sábados y algunos domingos.
  • Realidad virtual como recurso de aprendizaje.
  • Capital semilla para iniciar tu negocio.

Las inscripciones están abiertas y los interesados pueden registrarse en El programa tiene una duración de 32 horas académicas e incluye actividades presenciales y virtuales. Es dictado los sábados y domingos.

Calendario de actividades:

  • 13 y 14 de Julio: Bootcamp: De la idea a la acción.
  • 20 de Julio: ¿Cómo conseguir financiamiento?
  • 04 de Agosto: ¡Manos a la obra! Últimos detalles de tu plan de negocios.
  • 11 de Agosto: Práctica tu discurso de venta.
  • 12 de Agosto: Rueda de negocios.

Para mayor información, contactar con nosotros.