Tag Archive for: vulnerable communities

SAMU First Response Deploys Team to Los Angeles to Aid Victims of Devastating Fires

Los Angeles, January 27, 2025.- In response to the devastating fires that have swept through Los Angeles, SAMU First Response has deployed our specialized first response team from Washington, D.C. to Los Angeles, California to assist the victims of this disaster. Derick Alegria, coordinator of this special mission, said “our team has been on the ground for the past week, providing essential aid to those who have lost their homes and are in desperate need of assistance”.

In partnership with local nonprofits, SAMU First Response has been able to directly work with and provide aid for the victims and vulnerable communities affected by the fires. This collaboration has allowed us to expand our outreach and provide much-needed support to those most impacted by this crisis.

“Our mission in Los Angeles is particularly meaningful, as we not only aim to help fire victims but also address the needs of a diverse community that has been severely affected. We are committed to making a difference in the lives of those in need who experience houselessness”, stated Alegria.


During this intense week of work, our team has provided critical assistance by providing clean and new mattresses for individuals who no longer have a home to return to and need a place to rest, backpacks filled with hygiene kits to help maintain dignity and health during this time, water to ensure those affected have access to clean drinking water, and clean clothing for both men and women.


“Our mission is to save lives and empower vulnerable communities and our dedicated team demonstrated that this week by performing life-saving CPR on an individual that was nearing the brinks of death. This just highlights the urgency and importance of our efforts on the ground and solidifies that our mission is to save lives”, said Alegria.


SAMU First Response remains dedicated to saving lives and serving communities in crisis, and we are committed to continuing our support as the situation evolves. We encourage anyone who wishes to contribute to our ongoing efforts to consider donating. For more information about SAMU First Response and how you can help, please visit https://samufirstresponse.org/.